Upcoming research seminars

Research seminars are starting again both in the U.S. and Europe and I have received two excellent invitations for February and I am more than thrilled to reconnect with great colleagues!!

On Feb 4, I am going to present (virtually) at the EPFL in Lausanne. The seminar starts at 10.30am and I look forward to many individual talks with faculty members including my host Prof. Andreas Fuster and my co-author Prof. Ruediger Fahlenbrach.

On Feb 10, I visit the University of Rochester Simon Business School, finally an in-person seminar!! I owe a special thanks to my host Prof. Alan Moreira for the kind invitation and I look forward to many interesting interactions.

I am presenting (in both seminars) my work on “Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?” (co-authored with Viral V Acharya and Rob Engle. During the last weeks, we unearthed interesting new results when revising our paper and I look forward to the feedback and how people react. I have an 8-hour lay over in New York on Feb 11 on my way back to Frankfurt, which I will spend with my co-authors discussing feedback from both seminars 😊.

If you are interested in learning more about how COVID impacted banks, please reach out via my contact page or via e-mail.


Do Debt Investors Care about ESG Ratings?


Bank Climate Change Exposure